The California Core series is the unique combination of its “Core” parts (Body and Neck) which are custom made in the USA (specifically for Xotic Japan), while the painting, assembling, electronics and final setup is then done with the highest quality and experience by Xotic Japan shop.This masterful merger achieves a meticulous craftsmanship, superb quality and playability that players are looking for.
The XJ-Core series are the first passive model of Xotic Bass. The bass has been designed to remove the “dead spots” on the fretboard that usually occur and without additional stress while playing. Simply put, “dead spots” are notes on the neck most of basses that do not sound as loudly or as long as other notes on the neck. Bass players have struggled through out the years with this issue. Additionally, this classic styled bass has a high quality clear and punchy tone, rich expressiveness, and a lacquer finish that contributes to its warm sound. It is true example of the harmony of traditional and modern.